Getting Started

The Basics

The Server Implementation

A basic server implementation contains one Namespace and one Route. The Namespace holds all your API logic and implementation, the Route connects your Namespace to the world.

When a client call comes in, Route will parse the request, checks whether all required arguments exist and will finally pass them to your method. For you, the user of simpleapi, Route is fairly unspectacular. The more interesting part is the Namespace.

The Namespace is a bunch of published and non-published methods. Published methods are accessable from outside, non-published methods are your internally used methods (called helper functions). A Namespace can have several global and local configuration options for authentication, ip restrictions, type conversion, constraints, features (like caching, throttling, etc.) and input/output formatters. Even though the common way for placing your Namespace is to use, you’re free to put it wherever you like.

As you already saw on the frontpage, an example implementation of would look like this:

from simpleapi import Namespace

class Calculator(Namespace):
    def add(self, a, b):
        return a + b
    add.published = True

This is a very easy, but still working calculator with only one function add(). With the local configuration option published set to True we export the method add() to the world. It requires two arguments, a and b.

To finally make our exported functions available to the world with django, we hook up an URL to our Route. Route takes our Namespace as an argument.

In this example, the URL api/calculator/ is used to access our Calculator-API:

from simpleapi import Route
from handlers import Calculator

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    (r'^api/calculator/$', Route(Calculator))

Route takes care of all incoming requests and - in our example - makes sure that the two required arguments a and b of our add()-function exist.

Client Libraries

simpleapi comes with easy-to-use python and php client libraries which allows you fully, transparently access to your server implementation.

With the client libraries, you call the desired remote function as they would be local. The only difference between a remote call using the library and a local call are the obligatory named arguments. On every remote call you must name your arguments when passing them to the function:

from simpleapi import Client

calculator = Client(ns='http://localhost:8888/api/calculator/')
print "5 + 3 =", calculator.add(a=5, b=3)

As you can see, the required arguments a and b are explicitly named and passed to the function add(). Internally, the client determines which function you want to call, builds an appropriate query and sends the request to the server. The server response is being received and parsed by the client and the return value is passed to you.

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